Tenacity Willpower or Desire - Supporting the Pirates

Creating Value in the digital economy

The Pirate Syndicate
Content for Creators
By Creators

A 2-Minute Read

We’re going to share a few ideas about being consistent

What are we creating, and why do we create?

What’s the challenge for the day today?

The Challenge

Creating in the digital economy can be challenging and requires an ongoing creative workflow.

Once you start down the Content Creation Economy, you must stay visible to develop your impact.

I recommend adopting a framework that provides you with a system to create and scale the amount of content being delivered.

It takes time and effort. However, it’s worth the effort.


We all must reflect on what our community is searching for and how to make an impact.

It’s not about you. It’s about them. Create Value. 

One way to create value is to start teaching others what you already know and are excited about.

I love to share value by teaching the community about Podcasting, Livestreaming, and using video for Lead Generation.

What is one thing you are excited about sharing with your community/

Hit reply and let me know how you’re doing in your creative journey. 

Creative Content

I will continue creating this newsletter and wanted to share how much I enjoy the process and that it’s not always easy.

I’ve created almost 80 days of steady issues and look forward to the next 80 issues.

I am creating a solution allowing the Pirate Crew to connect, collaborate, and support each other.

I’m really looking forward to inviting you to join the Pirate community

My desire and my intention is to launch workshops, interviews, and webinars to share creative solutions.

I’m also getting ready to launch several new shows and share multiple topics for the Pirate community.

🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️ BOOM 🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️ 


So if you have a course or an offer supporting Content Creators, consider joining me for a podcast episode or share your offer with the community.


Reach out to me.


You’re a Digital Pirate sailing the interwebs and have the ability to create anything you desire.

We’re surrounded by abundance and opportunity. Learning how to see past the obstacles and the resistance is the way to succeed on this Pirate Journey.

Start today and Keep On Creating
🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️ Pirates 🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️
#kindnessiscool #smilesarefree

"Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth."

Unknown via @momentumdash

Pirate Shoutout:

Check out the latest version that was released this week.
(Affiliate LInk)

Pirates Support Pirates #justsayin

Unapologetically Imperfect Copy—This message is handcrafted, forged in a furnace of creativity, and edited with one eye open. It was created with gratitude and sent without filters. There was no team to review, editors for editorials, or fancy revisions... As a result, I promise some typos, grammatical errors, or literary mishaps will appear and make grammar teachers cringe. (Relax teach)

And remember, We're Pirates, and delivering content is more important than errors. Shipping is the promise, not perfection.

Be a Pirate 🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️


or to participate.