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- Pirates Supporting Pirates: Supporting Suicide Prevention ♥︎♥︎♥︎
Pirates Supporting Pirates: Supporting Suicide Prevention ♥︎♥︎♥︎
I've lost too many people in my life to ignore the facts.
The Pirate Syndicate
Content for Creators
By Creators
A 2-Minute Read
How did it get to be Wednesday, Pirates?
What’s the challenge for the day today? Kindness…🙏❤️🙏
I want to keep these issues upbeat and positive, and I’m asking you to support a cause today. 👏👏👏
A Linkedin Pirate Friend is performing to support Suicide Prevention.
The Challenge
Every entrepreneur, solopreneur, and business owner I’m ever met has had to deal with challenges at some point in their journey.
Challenges are part of life, and the degree of suffering is amplified by the emotional state we are already feeling in that moment.
Learning how to be resilient is one of the most powerful tools we can adopt in our lives.
I can’t create words to describe the experience of losing a child.
I never want anyone to experience the feeling of loss.
Becoming resilient and navigating the challenges of business and loss is never going to go away in our lives.
However, learning how to deal with the ups and downs can be a skill we all can achieve.
There is a reason I promote Kindness, Gratitude, and Smiles.
Every day you venture out in public, I promise you’ll see people who are one crisis away from a different choice in their life.
Don’t be another aggravation that creates pain for others in their daily journey.
On the freeway, there is no “Front of the Line”
Smiles are FREE. Share them freely.
Kindness is cool. Keep practicing and share it like there is no tomorrow.
I won’t bore you with all the examples; I think you get the idea.
Pirates are smart like that. 🏴☠️❤️🏴☠️
Hit reply and let me know how you deal with it.
Creative Content
What I can say is we all need to get creative about how we can all take responsibility for our actions.
It’s our future to do what we can as individuals living in a world of chaos.
We can contribute to the solution or the problem.
What helps you sleep at night?
I talk to so many amazing people and I love this community and wanted to share a few ideas with you to plant the seeds of kindness and consideration.
Let’s do what we can to DO Better.
Be Better and help others see the value in supporting this idea.
#kindnessiscool #smilesarefree. I’ve been promoting this for YEARS
We’re surrounded by abundance and opportunity. Learning how to see past the obstacles and the resistance is the way to succeed on this Pirate Journey.
Start today and Keep On Creating
🏴☠️❤️🏴☠️ Pirates 🏴☠️❤️🏴☠️
#kindnessiscool #smilesarefree
"You don't have to live your life the way other
people expect you to."
Pirate Shoutout:
HRM (Hawk // Håkon) Ueland
This is a personal request to support HRM Ueland and Suicide Prevention.
Pirates Support Pirates #justsayin
Unapologetically Imperfect Copy—This message is handcrafted, forged in a furnace of creativity, and edited with one eye open. It was created with gratitude and sent without filters. There was no team to review, editors for editorials, or fancy revisions... As a result, I promise some typos, grammatical errors, or literary mishaps will appear and make grammar teachers cringe. (Relax teach)
And remember, We're Pirates, and delivering content is more important than errors. Shipping is the promise, not perfection.
Be a Pirate 🏴☠️❤️🏴☠️