Lessons Or Stories?

Working to develop Lessons doesn't mean you have to avoid the story.

The Pirate Syndicate
Content for Creators
By Creators

A 2-Minute Read

Ahoy Pirates! Storytime today.

What’s the challenge for the day today?

I have a story and a lesson about challenges.

The Challenge

Developing a great story is always a skill you can use and improve.

I don’t know about you, but I love a good story.

If you love stories. You might enjoy The Moth

I shared a story on the Moth Stage once.

I had to share a story as I was healing from my Son’s Suicide.

It’s painful.

I learned from the experience.

I was able to liberate some of the trauma of the experience.

I’ll always have moments of pain. However, I’ll never be the same. 

You remember the lesson once you have an experience (good or bad.)


Lessons don’t always arrive when we expect them.

Sometimes, they show up at the most challenging moments in life.

My biggest lessons have been during my biggest challenges.

The beautiful lesson to learn is I continue to practice gratitude.

I’ll continue My Mission: Help More People Help More People.

I’ll continue to do everything in my power to create value with you.

I’ll continue sharing the skills necessary to create a successful journey.

You’re the reason I’m here.

#kindnessiscool #smilesarefree (For a Reason)

Creative Content

We all have experiences we may not enjoy and ask for.

However, when you look for the lesson within the experience, you can discover something about yourself you may not know.

Always search for the lesson in every experience.

Share the lessons with others that need to learn from your experience.

We can all learn from each other as we learn, teach, and share value.

Capture and collect your stories, and keep practicing your skills.

Help More People Help More People


We all have a story. We all have a gift, We can all create value.

You’re a Digital Pirate, and we have the opportunity to create something from nothing.

We’re surrounded by abundance and opportunity.

Learning how to see past the obstacles and the resistance is the way to succeed on this Pirate Journey.

Keep moving forward, Pirates.

Start today and Keep On Creating
🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️ Pirates 🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️
#kindnessiscool #smilesarefree

"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud."

Unknown via @momentumdash

Please consider sharing this newsletter to keep the smiles free

Pirate Shoutout:

The BEST way to start a conversation, book more calls, and generate revenue. IMHO

Pirates Support Pirates #justsayin

Unapologetically Imperfect Copy—This message is handcrafted, forged in a furnace of creativity, and edited with one eye open. It was created with gratitude and sent without filters. There was no team to review, editors for editorials, or fancy revisions... As a result, I promise some typos, grammatical errors, or literary mishaps will appear and make grammar teachers cringe. (Relax teach)

And remember, We're Pirates, and delivering content is more important than errors. Shipping is the promise, not perfection.

***I use affiliate links to support this journey at no extra cost to you.

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