If it doesn't kill you it will make you stronger. A Pirate Life

Then when I fell three stories and nearly lost my life and my arm, I determined I needed to achieve my goals in a different career.

The Pirate Syndicate
Content for Creators
By Creators

A 2-Minute Read

Hey Pirates!

What’s the challenge for the day today?

We all have challenges. What’s Yours?

Have you been thinking BIG enough?

The Challenge

Many times in my life, I’ve created massive goals.

Some of them I’m achieved, and others not so much.

❤️🙏❤️ Experiments Become Experience

The challenge we face is demanding.

Sometimes, the goal we envision may not align with our life or skills.

When I was growing up, the only thing I wanted to do was to play drums.

I played for years and did OK. Played steady, toured, and even made money.

Then when I fell three stories and nearly lost my life and my arm, I determined I needed to achieve my goals in a different career.

I still create music and have created a much bigger goal for the future.

My Mission: Help More People Help More People. 


Every day is a gift

There are several reasons that I believe
that #kindnessiscool and #smilesarefree

There are several times in my life that could have ended differently.

There were times when I lost my dream.

I’ve lost so many things along my journey, and I’m grateful for the experience and happy to have been here today.

What I discovered along the way was a new dream and a new idea of what the future can create in the time I’m here.

Hit reply and let me know how you deal with it. 

Creative Content

I have some very ambitious goals for the future and believe this path will be the route to #makeitmatter 

My Mission:
Help More People Help More People. And I need your help too.

If we can work together to amplify your positive message, then your community benefits, and we can all win.

Opportunity and Abundance

So Russ,

How do you plan to implement this BHAG (Big Hairy Ambitious Goal)

Well, Let’s talk about it. 

This newsletter is an example of the beginning of the journey.

The Pirate Crew has published over 70 issues of the Pirate Newsletter and will continue to improve and expand it.

This is not a solo project. It’s a community effort.

Next, we allow other innovators to share their creative stories and submit their insights to their business and creative efforts.

And, oh yes, as a member of the Pirate Crew and a contributor, you have several benefits that I’ve been developing along the way.
(more on that later)

Next, I’m working on a few final touches to a community site that we can use to share our gifts and help others learn and improve their creative skills.

There is more on the roadmap.

However, I hope you get the idea that I have some very ambitious goals for the Pirate Crew and the Creative Community.

💥 BOOM 💥

🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️ Let’s share the message, Pirates


We all have a gift.

Together we’re creating a community for creators by creators. 

Let’s get on board and create some amazing creative content together.

You’re a Digital Pirate sailing the interwebs and have the ability to create anything you desire.

We’re surrounded by abundance and opportunity.

Supporting other creators is how to succeed on this Pirate Journey.

Start today and Keep On Creating
🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️ Pirates 🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️
#kindnessiscool #smilesarefree

"The greatness of a person is not in how much wealth they acquire, but in their integrity and their ability to affect those around them positively"

—Bob Marley via @momentumdash

Pirate Shoutout:
Mary Fain Brandt

Pirates Support Pirates #justsayin

Unapologetically Imperfect Copy—This message is handcrafted, forged in a furnace of creativity, and edited with one eye open. It was created with gratitude and sent without filters. There was no team to review, editors for editorials, or fancy revisions... As a result, I promise some typos, grammatical errors, or literary mishaps will appear and make grammar teachers cringe. (Relax teach)

And remember, We're Pirates, and delivering content is more important than errors. Shipping is the promise, not perfection.

Be a Pirate 🏴‍☠️❤️🏴‍☠️


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